27 posts tagged with “React”
How to use effect and reducer for simple yet scalable state management system in React application ⚖️
How to gracefully handle errors on the web 🚨
Achieving mastery of React's behaviour by reading Preact's source code ⚛️
Debouncing / Throttling as a foot gun 🔫
You might need Redux DevTools 🔱
How to build drag and drop UI editor from scratch 🐻❄️
State Management in modern UI frameworks 🇺🇸
How to handle file path effectively on the web 🗃
How to create silky smooth marquees on the web 🎉
My thoughts on scalable React application 🎉
Avoid using boolean as the origin data as much as possible 🎉
JSON API with modernized normalization 🎉
Clean Code UI Refactoring at Axon 🎉
How to handle media's ended property effectively in UI frameworks 🎉
SOLID in component architecture 🎉
My collection of resources for front-end development 🎉
Introduce Playable component into media playback family 🎉
How to integrate PDFTron with UI frameworks 📃
How to create nested Menu components from material-ui 🎉
How to work with video overlay on the web 🎉
Vuex - High performance Flux implementation 🏎
UI Recursive rendering development 🎉
The rise of headlessmedia and application of Observer Pattern 🎉
Optimize React Media Player with XState 🎉
How Recoil works its magic and the greatness of XState 🎉
Reverse-engineering PDF search algorithm from Firefox 📝
Introducing React-Zoomable-Media 🔮